Digital mail box : the “All-in-One-Package”
Thanks to this subscription you don't have the worry of all of your monthly "red tape".
If the monthly recurring "paperwork" is merely another chore just contact us, and we will take care of this burden for you, either temporarily, or long-term (as needed).
The subscription includes the following services :
- Papers (certificates, invoices, statements , warranties...) the sorting out of the said papers, and their storage
- Executing payments
- Obtaining of health insurance reimbursements (sending of invoices , checking transfers, arranging papers)
- Writing letters (to ascertain amount for which you are of insured, for subscription cancellations...)
- Scheduling of appointments (appointments and you may remember only the night before/ at the last moment)
- Checking payments (rental income , social security pensions , family allowances...)
- Filling out and submitting damage reports for insurance companies The Customers are our Top Priority
Do not hesitate to contact us for more specific requirements and needs you may have. We will gladly make you an offer tailored to your needs.
The offer is free and without obligation!